Fast and easy deployment with WiX 3.10 for Visual Studio 2015

Nino Crudele's Blog

Wix is a great toolset which able to provide all we need to create a great deployment, I’m preparing the setup for jitGate, now in private beta test and I’m using WiX 3.10, this version support Visual Studio 2015, the installation is very simple and the 3.10 build is available here.

Essentially WiX is a toolset completely based on top of Windows Installer and it is completely base on XML scripting, here the name Windows Installer XML Toolset, WiX Toolset.

WiX is free and open source and the framework is able to cover all the large number of features and options offered by Microsoft Windows Installer, it also provide a large number of tool to made easy creating our deployment database and WiX already offers a large number of setup dialog forms ready and we can also customize them.

WiX is able to offer a great WPF setup interfaces, the Wix setup…

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